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Joe Diamond has consulted on, and appeared in the various books here.

These include a Murder Mystery, a collection of TRUE Ghost stories, and a scientific approach to magic, witchcraft, and alchemy.


Do You Believe in Magic? - A Wild Thing Book

“This book would have been a lot less fun without Joe Diamond —— how did he do that?”

  • Laura Krantz, Author

Magic—spells and curses, hexes and potions, superstition, and rituals. Who wouldn’t like the idea of special powers, or control over the natural world? It seems pretty fun, even if it’s just the stuff of fantasy books and movies.

But a lot of what we call “magic” has grounding in real practices. In fact, magic is at the root of many scientific fields—from chemistry to botany to astronomy—and has been an important part of human culture for thousands of years. Is it possible to be scientifically minded and still believe in magic? Readers are encouraged to weigh the facts and go beyond their gut assumptions.

The author visited a live mind reading performance by Joe Diamond, and was SO impressed, she made her experience and interview with him an ENTIRE chapter titled, I Know What You’re Thinking!

You can order YOUR copy anywhere you shop for books, including AMAZON

Varla Ventura’s Paranormal Parlor

“If you don’t already worship at the feet of Joe Diamond, you should really get on board. He is truly one of a kind. I am telling you, you need this man in your life.”

  • Varla Ventura, Author & Researcher

Varla Ventura is a lover of all things bizarre and strange, and spends her time lurking around lakes, diving for legends and sailing the seven seas in search of an elusive story.

From shimmering specters to mysterious tricks, Varla Ventura's Paranormal Parlorincludes original supernatural tales, classic ghost stories, legends, hauntings, séances, superstitions, and death customs.

This book showcases a chilling collection of startling ghost stories as told to the author as well as legendary ghosts and haunted locations and an overview of the paranormal parlor games that rose to popularity in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. It also includes hidden history such as the story of Mark Twain's ghost, and the quiet horror writings of the architect who started the Gothic Revival movement.

She asked Joe Diamond to contribute a true paranormal encounter he experienced first hand. He contributed, The Case of the Haunted Tarot Deck to Chapter 3: Ouija Look at That!

You can order YOUR copy anywhere you shop for books, including AMAZON

The Zombie Ball - An Eli Marks Murder Mystery

“As an immortal THANK YOU to Joe Diamond for offering all his insights and expertise to this murder mystery series, I’ve named a character after him in this latest installment!”

  • John Gaspard, Murder Mystery Author & Screenwriter

Meet Eli Marks: Full-time magician, part-time crime-solver. His greatest trick? Not becoming the next victim.

Eli’s asked to perform his magic act at a swanky charity gala, The Zombie Ball– a former zombie pub crawl which has grown into an annual high-class social event.

Helping him backstage before the performance is the headliner of the event, a famous stand up comedian in the style of Rodney Dangerfield and Don Rickles, named JOEY DEE.

This character was named in honor of Joe Diamond as a THANK YOU from the author.

This book is actually a PREQUEL, so it’s the perfect way to get into the Eli Marks series.

You can order YOUR copy anywhere you shop for books, including AMAZON